OCT. 20, 2018 | Lowcountry hospitality greeted the crew at breakfast and at suppertime. In the morning, the crew met with a group of mostly Republican guys who meet every Saturday to talk politics and the news of the world. They were, in two words, not shy about their opinions.
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DAY 10: More visits in Charleston, S.C.
OCT. 19, 2018 | Interviews across Charleston, S.C., during the 10th day of filming found people passionate about national politics.
DAY NINE: Charleston, S.C.
OCT. 18, 2018 | Tasty seafood was on the menu at two local restaurants where the crew talked first with a respected local pastor about race and religion, followed by several interviews as the sun set over the Carolina marsh.
DAY EIGHT: Magnolia Plantation and Florence debate
OCT. 17, 2018 | The lush gardens of Magnolia Plantation and Gardens outside Charleston, S.C., provided a backdrop for discussions on slavery, history, gun violence and forgiveness. Later, the crew traveled to Florence, S.C., to talk with Republicans and Democrats as they entered an auditorium to watch a televised debate between South Carolina’s GOP and Democratic candidates for governor.
DAY SEVEN: South Carolina Lowcountry
OCT. 16, 2018 | The rich marshes and waters of the coastal Lowcountry around Beaufort County provided the backdrop for a day of interviews with a leading Republican state senator and Gullah leader.
SC: Sen. Tom Davis on American exceptionalism
OCT. 16, 2018 | S.C. Sen. Tom Davis, R-Beaufort, spoke of how President Donald Trump’s world view appeals to people who want the notion of American exceptionalism to continue.
SC: Emory Campbell on today’s racism
OCT. 15, 2018 | Emory Campbell of Hilton Head Island, S.C, discusses race and class in the age of President Donald Trump. Campbell is the retired director of the Penn Center, an important Gullah heritage site on St. Helena Island.
DAY SIX: Tour of rural South Carolina
OCT. 15, 2018 | The team explored the rural South Carolina communities of Walterboro and Bamberg on the sixth day of filming and learned how people deal daily with challenges involving race and politics.
DC: John Podesta on 2020
Longtime Democratic leader John Podesta sat down recently with Bruce Hawker to talk about the 2018 midterms, but also predicted there would be more than a dozen Democrats who run for president in 2020.
DAY FIVE: Talking with John Podesta
OCT. 13, 2018 | National Democratic Party insider John Podesta, former chief of staff to Presidents Clinton and Obama, shared thoughts of the approaching midterm elections, how America has changed under President Donald Trump and more in a special interview today in Washington, D.C.